I still had not completely recovered from my nasty cough, and my voice had also not returned to full strength. Especially as a preacher the voice is our main weapon, and I was concerned to give it a good rest - the foremost way to heal the voice. Devotees had warned me not to over-strain my vocal cords since this can lead to permanent damage. So I decided to give my body a good break and cancel the seminar, which I was scheduled to give here in Vrindavan: an introduction into the topic of spiritual culture.
My time in Mayaur had been very intense, with two Holy Name Retreats in Ekachakra, one Retreat in Nepal, three weeks of teaching followed by the inauguration of the Institute for Spiritual Culture, while attending the Kirtan Mela and the Maha Abhishek. It had been a blissful marathon.
Sometimes the body forces us to slow down. Such times are always meant for deepening our internal life - to recharge and rejuvenate, so we can continue giving more in the future.
Vishaka Priya mataji who is managing the Kirtan Ashram extended her care towards me by giving me various medicines, arranging for my prasadam and above all, giving me her uplifting association in friendship.
My favorite place of pilgrimage in Vrindavan is Srila Prabhupada's rooms. Every morning and afternoon I spent time there prayerfully connecting in chanting japa.
I enjoyed meeting up with devotees from various parts of the world who I had not seen for a long time - extending myself by giving them attention and care.
I managed to convince him to accept my invitation - even though he was busy with upcoming meetings. Our paths had never crossed before, and he nevertheless trusted me that I would make all the necessary arrangements and see that he would be taken care off nicely....
On the 23rd of March I flew off to Dhaka.....
Your servant, Devaki dd