We spent harmonious and relaxed days together, discussing personal questions, and engaging Juno in Krsna conscious activities. We had nice and sunny autumn weather, and we went for a walk in the nearby fields and forests, collecting flowers, chestnuts and all kinds of red berries - in autumn we can find so many colorful fruits, leaves and flowers in nature which can be used to make garlands and decorate the altar.
I thought this was rather remarkable, showing how human dogs actually are.
Berlin has been without a temple since 2012. I remember two years ago when I was on my way to the Kirtan Mela I visited Berlin temple, and the devotees had just received notice that they had to vacate their nice and spacious flat. And since then Lord Jagannath has been homeless, moving from one flat to another. And ever since the devotees had not managed to agree on what kind of new temple to settle for. There has been programs in different homes of devotees, and also a Sunday program every two weeks in a rented room of a yoga center, but many of the congregational members also had drifted away and lost interest in spiritual practice.
On the weekend we conducted two sessions on "Giving and Accepting Shelter".
The program was pretty well attended, and I was happy that also some of the senior devotees participated. Especially in this part of the world this topic of shelter is so extremely important and relevant. Due to the past experiences where devotees had been disappointed by their leaders the importance of taking shelter had almost faded away and been forgotten. Interesting questions and discussions developed which made the sanga very lively and enlightening. And Lord Jagannath witnessed it with ever increasing surprise and pleasure....
The following day we had a short morning program, and in the evening we met once again on the topic of chanting the holy name.
I enjoyed my association with Kanupriya Mataji, who is one of the main organisers and driving forces behind the seminars on spiritual culture and retreats we conduct in Goloka Dham. Even though we only met around one year ago, it seems as if we have known each other for a long time, and a strong commitment of service towards each other has somehow sprung up. Everything is based on personal relationships - if a trusting and affectionate relationship is the foundation, then we can achieve so many things, because we are willing to extend and sacrifice ourselves in order to serve each other in Srila Prabhupada's mission.
On the 24th of September I flew off to Brussels to visit Radhadesh....
Your servant, Devaki dd