Sometimes it was almost a little amusing to see how so many daily details were very new and foreign to her, not knowing for example what a celery root looks like, or what raspberries taste like. And only recently she came to know what Mc Donald's is all about.....! Certainly a great fortune to grow up in such a different reality and spiritual environment like Mayapur, and being protected from so many contaminating influences and propaganda. I almost felt like I had a Bengali village girl with me - so innocent and pure hearted.... Now she had reached the right age to explore the world a little. Especially our teenagers need to orientate themselves to find inspirational authority figures and role models to move forward in their life and mold their character. The parents cannot give much discipline and guidance in this phase in life, since both are meant to detach themselves from each other: the parents are meant to let go of controlling the children, allowing them to grow up and chose their personal path within their life, and the teenager is meant to cut the umbilical cord to the parents in order to establish him/herself in life.
I also took the opportunity to consult a specialist for orthodedy and sportsmedicine about my foot which I had overstrained in India when walking around too much in slippers. As the body gets older some parts are getting gradually worn out a little. I had heard before that wearing only Birkenstock's can easily damage our feet, and it seemed like I had received a little sample of this phenomena. The doctor was a thoughtful and experienced man and gave me good advice. And in return I shared our wisdom and gave him a "Science of Self-realization". A perfect exchange of service and knowledge.....
Your servant, Devaki dd