Anna and Dominique had come to assist me for the next two and half months in Mayapur. And upon our arrival there was lots to do: my ashram needed a thorough clean in order for us to settle in and feel at home. And we had only a few \ days in order to prepare for the Holy Name Retreat at Ekachakra, which would take place from the 27th to the 31st of December. This retreat would be for ladies only.
It was wonderful to be back in Mayapur, and to greet all the well known faces during the morning program. Some devotees had read my article on dandavats about the topic of Female Diksa Guru, and they expressed their appreciation for it. And I enjoyed being back in my ashram and regularly taking darshan of the cows from my veranda....
It was not easy to find ladies who were free to join the event. Many were studying at the Mayapur Institute or Mayapur Academy, or they had fixed services which they could not leave, or they had small children and family which they also could not leave behind. There are always so many things in our life which are seemingly more important than our relationship with the holy name....I guess this is our disease....
Dominique and myself traveled to Ekachakra one day before the retreat commenced, in order to set everything up: preparing the rooms for the devotees, and arranging for a little Pandal tent on the roof of the Guest House. This would be the seminar room - our Bhajan Kutir for the next three days..
A nice group of twenty-five serious Matajis from all around the world came out to Ekachakra to deepen their relationship with the holy name. Some ladies had especially come all the way from Pune - I had left a poster on their notice board advertising the retreat on my visit in October. Several teachers from the International School in Mayapur had also managed to free themselves in order to join the event.
Upon our arrival we went on parikrama around Ekachakra, visiting the main places of Nityananda's pastimes under the guidance of one local devotee, begging for Nityananda's mercy.
our last evening before the Samkalpa Ceremony. The process of "boiling the milk" had brought our anarthas to the surface and helped us to face them. There are so many ugly things hiding in our hearts! And we have become so expert in overlooking and sweeping them under the carpet. Such retreats are a great tool in helping us to do some deep
internal work - with introspection and honesty.
We returned to Mayapur around lunch time of the 31st of December, just in time to join the New Year's kirtan in Prabhupada's park. Like last year the garden was transformed into a celestial kirtan arena - to enter the New Year in the most auspicious way, chanting Hare Krsna....
Beautiful flower decorations and several open fires created a pleasing atmosphere. There was a separate entrance for the ladies and for the men, and senior devotees were welcomed with flower garlands. HH Lokanath Swami and Kadamba Kanana Swami were leading the assembled devotees in chanting the holy name.
Even though the atmosphere was so wonderful, I must admit it was not easy for me to fully arrive back to Mayapur. I felt separation from being on our retreat at Ekachakra, and I missed the intimate and confidential atmosphere of deep concentration and focus on the holy name in seclusion. Mayapur seemed like a huge city with so many distractions....
Only after a few more days I fully returned to being back in Mayapur - getting ready for the next event: our three week course "Exploring the Roots of Spiritual Culture"......
Your servant, Devaki dd