Yatantas ca drdha vrata - endeavoring with great determination....
As Prabhupada explains in the purport to SB 2.9.24: "An easygoing life and attainment of perfection in transcendental realization cannot go together...."
Almost every day I met with devotees who were eager for private discussions.
They had attended some of our courses and came now to ask for advice on their particular situation in life.
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur's statement in Amrta Vani came to my mind:
"One who gives personal instruction to each and everyone does more for others than the platform speakers do. Generally, whatever platform speakers say cannot solve the problem of everyone in the audience, nor can it always benefit every individual. A person's defects are better rectified in a private tutorial class or private coaching than in hearing lectures in a school or college. Therefore those who instruct particular persons separately can award them something more permanent."
It is noteworthy that even Bhaktisiddhanta knew the term 'coaching'. And his statement expresses very clearly how important it is to have such aloof brahminical adviser, who has no other interest except helping us in our spiritual progress - no managerial interest, no financial interest, no emotional interest.
And a longing for this eternal loving relationship flooded my heart....
In the afternoon we joined the Gaur Purnima celebrations in the park of the grhastha area. The devotees of the Mayapur community had arranged a little pandal, and we were bathing Gaur Nitai Deities worshiped by local grhastha devotees. What a wonderful idea! Coming together to celebrate Gaur Purnima certainly unites the devotees from the Mayapur Community! HG Mahatma Prabhu chanted in kirtan and spoke a few words, followed by HH Bhakti Vaibhava Swami speaking and singing. The program concluded with an Ekadasi feast. Many devotees of the Mayapur Community were there.....
Early next morning we left Mayapur to fly to Delhi and travel out to Vrindavan. I had spontaneously decided to spend some days in Vrindavan, together with my two faithful and hard working assistants. We shared the Swedish room in the ISKCON Guesthouse, and it was nice to associate for a few days on different terms - simply staying together in Vrindavan. And now it was my turn to assist my assistants - in shopping: selecting nice and good quality saris....!
I attended the morning programs, met up with devotees from different parts of the world, and spent every day some hours reading. And every afternoon I went to Prabhupada's quarters to chant. It had become my favorite holy place....
Krsna arranged several opportunities for me in Vrindavan to become more tolerant. My computer broke down - luckily I managed to get it repaired just before leaving Vrindavan. A monkey stole my glasses by jumping on my shoulder and grabbing them off my nose. It all went so fast - I couldn't even think so quickly! This had happened to me several times before, but never on the temple property, outside the Prasadam Hall! A couple of kind-hearted fellows helped me to get them back, by offering the monkey several bananas which I had just purchased for my breakfast. Nevertheless, the monkey had thoroughly chewed the ends of the frame, and bent it almost into a different shape! Maybe it was time to get new glasses....!
And on my very last day my shoes disappeared - Krsna was joking with me....
On the 12th of March I flew off to Chandigarh....
Your servant, Devaki dd