Here Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohan are the Lords of the establishment - very beautiful Deities Who are nicely taken care of by Their personal servants.
I had come to launch the second and main part of our course "Exploring The Roots Of Spiritual Culture" - for the very first time in Germany. We had sceduled it for the 3rd/4th/5th/6th of August.
I was curious to see how it would be received in a country which had a strong history of spiritual culture many years ago, but is now strongly influenced by materialistic culture.
And furthermore, since I have not spent much time in Germany I am not so well established as a preacher here - another reason which made me wonder how everyone will accept my presentations....
Around forty matajis arrived from all around Germany, a couple even coming all the way from Sweden and Latvia. This was indeed a revolutionarily big crowd for this part of the world!
Some Russian and Ukrainian ladies who live in Germany also attended - they had heard about this course from their friends who had attended it in Kharkov/Ukraine and who had highly recommended it.
I invited the men to give the morning class and lead all the kirtans in the temple room, and in this way they also were included and part of the event.
Indeed, it created a very wonderful mood - an atmosphere of an extended family centered around Srila Prabhupada......
Some of the young husbands excitedly asked me: "So when will we also have such a course - will you give us a course on spiritual culture aswell....?"
I laughingly reassured them that sooner or later I will indeed put a course for the men together aswell.....
They surely also need to learn about spiritual culture.....
Our presentations were amazingly well received and almost created a spiritual revolution! The ladies shared wonderful realizations of deep transformations which they had gone through within these four days.
Yes, materialistic culture not only increases the gross bolily identification, but also blows up the subtle body, especially the false ego.
It is centered around 'I am so special and important, and my talents are so unique, and my plans and opinions are the best......'
Their idea of 'self-development' actually comes down to developing the mind, intelligence and false ego - not their real self of being a spirit soul with an eternal loving relationship with the Lord.....
Because we identify with the subtle body we take it to be the self, and we develop it by blowing it up more and more....!

The fact that the course was so well received once again shows how natural ultimately these topics of spiritual culture are for women, and that serious devotees are indeed hankering for a deeper understanding of things!
I almost felt a sense of victory within my heart - it was a major break-through to launch this course in a Western country like Germany, and the fact that it was so well accepted once again shows how the principles of spiritual culture are eternal and so relevant anywhere in the world.
Now the time seems indeed right to offer it! Many expressed that it was an intensely purifying journey for them, and they realized how much our own ego is simply blocking us from deeply understanding and accepting spiritual culture, and how much we women are often doing just the opposite of what we should be doing, and thus creating our own misery....
Thus I feel an immense urgency for the ladies to deeply understand these principles in order for our entire society to become stabel and strong: with healthy families, happy mothers and wives, responsible husbands and fathers, and emotionally balanced and strong children.
"When I came to Krsna consciousness fifteen years ago, the process seemed
very simple to me: "Chant Hare Krishna and be happy....".
However, in due course of time I came to realize that not only I but so many
devotees around me are repeatedly disturbed and distracted by difficulties
within relationships - so much so, that it can be almost impossible to
deeply concentrate on one's spiritual practice. Problems with one's partner,
conflicts with friends, collegues and other devotees, difficulties with
one's children, and, and, and..... - all this makes spiritual life tiring
and cumbersome, and sometimes we might even come to the point where we want
to simply withdraw from relationships altogether.
In the beginning of August I participated in the course "Exploring The Roots
Of Spiritual Culture" which Devaki Mataji held in Goloka Dham, Germany.
Around forty ladies assembled, and we all experienced a simply amazing
In the association of serious and like-minded devotees I was able to learn
how spiritual culture helps us to build relationships where we give mutual support, respect and appreciation to each other. Furthermore, spiritual culture is designed to help us subdue and ultimately disolve our false ego, and thus we learn to become true humble servants.
It was extremely valuable for me to deeply understand how the nature of men and women are so different, and yet they perfectly complement each other! These days we don't so often hear such things....
Devaki Mataji taught us by her personal example, how Krsna has equipped us
women with very special qualities and abilities, which can be of irreplacable value for the entire society if we cultivate and use them
Furthermore I gained a deeper understanding of Srila Prabhupada's statements
on the role and nature of women, and this nourished my faith in Prabhupada
and the process of devotional service immensely.
In this seminar Devaki Mataji presents all the topics in a very nondogmatic
way - something I especially appreciated. Her main goal is to give insights
into the eternal underlying principles of (any) spiritual culture, and she
entirely leaves it up to us to decide how much we want to apply in our
personal life.
I could clearly observe my views on many things entirely changing, and I
indeed experienced a deep internal transformation.
I sincerely hope that I will be able to participate in many more such
seminars, and I can only highly recommend it to any devotee in a female
He had heard of the success of the course and requested me to spend more time in Germany......
On the 8th of August I took the train to Koeln, together with Margarita.....
Your servant, Devaki dd