When I laughingly shared this with some devotees, one Prabhu said: "Yes, Mataji, after all you are one of Prabhupada's dancing white elephants....!"
Now Krsna had arranged the matching hair style - hopefully He would spare me from adjusting any other parts of my body.....

Already several years ago the idea had come to my mind to invite two of Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaja's brahmacaris from Mayapur to conduct the installation. I had seen them in action several years ago in Nepal installing Radha Krsna Deities in Dharan, and I had really liked their mood. Over the years I had met with Krsna Caitanaya Prabhu several times, hoping the date for the festival would come closer, but it had taken more time than I had anticipated.
Now finally everything was set, and early this year in Mayapur we had discussed so many details of the installation ceremony with Krsna Caitanya Prabhu in Mayapur and Sahasrajit Prabhu who had come from Kharkov. We wanted to make it a grandiose event - an unforgettable and memorable festival, once in a lifetime of a yatra! We wanted to invite and welcome as many visiting devotees from other yatras as possible, in great Vaisnava hospitality.
Nevertheless, I was very much there in spirit - joyful at the thought that we were celebrating this grand event of the installation of our beautiful big Gaur Nitai Deities. Krsna had given me special mercy by allowing me to be part of this event through seva - I had the good fortune to be connected through various services in order to help prepare for this moment of installation. The fact that Krsna didn't allow me to be with the devotees in Kharkov was His special arrangement - it was Krsna's ways of playing games and joking! He is helping me to become more selfless and detached in my service, by not giving me the enjoyment of taking part in the event itself. This only deepened my mood of separation - separation from the event, separation from all the wonderful Kharkov devotees and assembled Vaisnavas, and of course separation from the beautiful Deities. And separation deepens our relationship with each other, and our eagerness to once again meet and relish each other's association. It helps me to become more grateful for the association of devotees, and for every day in service to Srila Prabhupada's mission. So I was not lamenting about what Krsna was orchestrating here! It was all very special, sweet and beautiful - certainly not ordinary, but extra-ordinary!
Krsna fulfilled all my desires perfectly - beyond my expectations, in a sweet and extraordinary way. May we always preserve this wonderful and unique experience, and may it inspire us to deepen our mood of service to the Lord and His devotees....!
Your servant, Devaki dd