HH Bhakti Charu Maharaja took birth in the city of Comilla in Bangladesh, and later moved with his family to Kolkata where he grew up. He is THE personification of Vaishnava etiquette and culture - the topmost expert within ISKCON in this field. It is said that Vaishnava etiquette is like the most valuable jewel - the diamond which beautifies a devotee. A Vaishnava's behavior directly reflects how much he has actually internalised our philosophy and practically demonstrates Mahaprabhu's instruction of 'trinad api sunicena'. Maharaja was exactly that - a perfect example of demonstrating and practically living our Vaishnava philosophy!
I remember attending a seminar on Vaishnava etiquette around 30 years ago in Mayapur, which was offered by Maharaja. I think he was the first person emphasising this aspect of devotional life and offered education in this field.
Your servant, Devaki dd