The devotees eagerly received me and arranged various programs at the temple, and also in a grihastha's home. We enjoyed each other's association while churning relevant topics related to our practical spiritual life.
Now, at the age of 4, he does not talk about his previous life any longer. It is a well-known fact that children can best remember their previous lives and will speak about it at a very young age - as soon as they can talk. Upon my inquiry, the mother related that she never had much interaction with the cows, but has had a long-standing friendship with the family who was taking care of the huge herd of cows. We joked that maybe all the children born in their community were cows in that herd in their previous lives…
In his book "Miracle on 2nd Avenue", Chapter 23 entitled "The Les Crane Show", Mukunda Gosvami shares the following statement by Srila Prabhupada:
"So, animals are also affected by modes of material nature. Cows are in mode of goodness. In next life, cows generally are born as humans in sattva. Lions and tigers are in mode of passion and monkeys are in mode of ignorance. They become in next life humans in passion and ignorance."
I was deeply touched witnessing a living example of the knowledge Srila Prabhupada has so kindly made available to us...
On the 10th of July I flew to India to travel out to Mayapur on yet another mission...
Your servant, Devaki dd
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